Green Building Design.
Insulation is the product found to provide the greatest return on investment and offer the most carbon abatement. Polyiso - which Forbes considers a “green” insulation, is an ideal choice for green building design.
What are the Environmental benefits of Polyiso insulation?
Reduced fossil fuel consumption
Well-insulated buildings reduce the need for energy, thereby reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. BOMA currently represents roughly 9 billion square feet of roofing area. Reducing energy consumption by just 10 percent in these roofs is equal to planting 344,922,103 trees - a huge reduction in atmospheric CO2.
The planting of these trees would also :
Generate 10.7 Trillion Dollars of Oxygen
Provide 21.4 Trillion Dollars
Worth of Air Pollution Control
Recycle 12.9 Trillion Dollars
Worth of Water
Control 10.8 Trillion Dollars
Worth of Soil Erosion
The Equivalent of Removing 42.7 Million Cars off the Road for One Year
Highest thermal efficiency
Polyiso is the most thermally efficient insulation available in the marketplace, as determined using Long Term Thermal Resistance (LTTR) values, a 15 year time-weighted R-value. In addition, Rmax participates in a third party certification program - QualityMark - to validate these predicted thermal values. QualityMark is a voluntary program administered by FM Global, one of the nation’s most dependable testing organizations.
Zero Ozone Depletion Potential
Rmax manufactures rigid foam board with third-generation, zero ozone-depleting blowing agents. All Rmax Polyiso products are HCFC-free and CFC-free.
Zero global warming Potential
Rmax manufactures rigid foam board with third-generation, zero global warming potential blowing agents. This quality is critical as the impact of climate change is acknowledged as a worldwide environmental concern.
Recycled content
Virtually all Rmax Polyiso insulation is manufactured using recycled material and many facers contain up to 100% recycled materials.
Looking for Polyiso Continuous Insulation?
Rmax engineered products and systems allow for ultimate efficiency through multiple design options, creating ease of construction and reduced energy usage.
Rmax insulation has been designed and tested to provide homes with superior insulating protection, while meeting the newest codes and requirements.
Rmax insulation products have superior performance characteristics, making them ideal for many different applications in unique market spaces.