polyiso performance

Codes, Standards & Performance...

Continuous Insulation Performance: Today’s Codes and Standards Achieve Energy Efficiency and Fire Performance.

Posted By PIMA

Building occupant safety is always a top priority and can be harmoniously incorporated into building designs that strive to meet elevated targets for other performance attributes, including energy efficiency.

A recent article by PIMA’s Marcin Pazera in Construction Specifier highlights the fire-safety measures required by today’s building codes (e.g. fire suppression systems, building egress requirements, fire-resistive assemblies, and construction material fire test standards) and the tools professionals can use to achieve a balanced approach to fire safety and energy efficiency in buildings.

The intersection of fire safety and energy efficiency within exterior walls of commercial buildings is a topic that is receiving well-deserved attention. Incorporating polyiso continuous insulation in the design for commercial walls can help design professionals achieve these twin goals. In his article, Mr. Pazera explains how today’s building codes use performance-based testing to establish minimum criteria for the fire performance of wall assemblies. In particular, the article highlights the compliance requirements for NFPA 285 – Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components – under the International Building Code.

You can read the article here.