Polyiso Fire Performance

Posted By  PIMA

All construction materials, including insulation products like polyiso, must provide a suitable margin of fire safety. Polyiso insulation products are tested per material-specific tests as well as part of full assemblies that test fire performance as constructed. Importantly, polyiso possesses a high level of inherent fire resistance when compared to other insulations due to its unique structure of strong chemical bonds. These bonds result in improved high temperature resistance (up to 390 degrees F – more than twice the temperature resistance of some other building insulation products), which in turn leads to enhanced fire resistance. In addition, polyiso does not melt or drip when exposed to flame. The product forms a protective surface char that enhances its fire resistance in terms of reduced flame spread and the potential to contribute to flashover.

For more information on polyiso insulation’s performance in fire tests, consult the following Technical Bulletins:

Tags:  fire performance  insulation  NFPA 285  Polyiso